
Product Designer, Founder & Advisor

Say hi 👋🏽 if you want to build something together or drink tea and walk around Brooklyn to discuss new ideas.

Contact MeLinkedin

For the past decade, I've been designing and building products across health & fitness, finance and e-commerce. Most recently, I’ve been focused on cyber security with Sublime Security.

I’m forever grateful for working alongside talented individuals with brilliant minds and exceptional teams with crazy dreams. Their insights and experiences have been invaluable, shaping my approach and fostering a deep appreciation for a collaborative design process.

Central to my philosophy is the belief in the strategic power of design. It's not merely about aesthetics—it's about creating solutions that drive tangible value for businesses and enhance user experiences.

In essence, my approach to design revolves around three critical questions:

  1. What’s vital for the business? 
    Set clear objectives and success metrics. Delineate hypotheses from assumptions to design effective product experiments.
  2. Who needs this the most? 
    Identify the target audience in concentric circles to create focus. Engage with them regularly, understand their needs, and use it as input to product strategy.
  3. What can we get done as a team? 
    Foster collaboration and design thinking across the board, understand constraints, and innovate together to deliver exceptional solutions.

My design process utilizes the answers from these questions as inputs to create delightful solutions that make a meaningful impact on the bottom line.

Say hi 👋🏽 if you want to build something together or drink tea and walk around Brooklyn to discuss new ideas.

Contact MeLinkedin

Press Mentions

Fitt Insider
Jul 6, Apr 15, 2022
Startup Q&A: Kin CEO Omar Jalalzada

The Creative Factor
Jul 6, 2022
Help People Hold Themselves Accountable

Product Hunt
Jul 6, 2022
Why you're approaching your habits all wrong

Less boring things...

Here are a few things that brings me joy. I'm hoping that you'll find something we have in common.

Mental Health & Mindfulness

I meditate daily, read a book every month, and attend silent retreats annually.


Physical Health & Exercise

I like to workout a 3-4 days a week, i'm currently focused on running and yoga.


Creative Arts & Play

I'm fascinated by all forms of modern art, performance art and live music.


Travel & Wander

I'm the happiest when I'm exploring the world and experiencing new cultures.


Community & Friends

I hold them very dear to my heard and they're my abundant source of vitality.


 Emojis & GIFs

Communicating via gifs, emojis and memes is a love language.

Contact Me

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