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Reach your wellness goals, one day at a time.

My Role

As a co-founder, I started Kin with Justin Kan (co-founded Twitch), Amitt Mahajan (co-created Farmville) & Damien Kan (co-founded Shogun). Initially, we worked together to build an MVP and validate our hypothesis with real users. Our beta version was very well received so I stepped in as the CEO to launch Kin for the public.

As the CEO, I raised a seed round to build our team. I hired 3 engineers, 1 PM, and a health advisor from John Hopkins to develop our product and coaching services. I managed our advisors, investors, and marketing strategy (via contractors for DTC and influencer partnership),

As a product designer, I conducted over 80+ UXR interviews and designed the iOS and Android apps. I also led strategy and execution of the product, design, and brand. I worked closely with my CTO and PM to create a quarterly roadmap with clear success metrics mapped into 2-week sprints to focus on the most critical features for the users.

What is Kin?

Kin is a social wellness app that helps you build healthy habit based on your goals and provide a support system to hold you accountable.

Below you can find a few screenshot of the app, design system, brand guide and marketing material.

Case Study

The impact of user-to-user engagement on habit building and long-term user retention.

🔒 Go To Case Study

Learn more About Kin

Check out the Kin website to learn more about the product. You can find links to download the app on iPhone or Android.

iOS & Android App
Component Library
Brand Guide & Marketing Materials